Friday 6 August 2010

The Positive Test

I want to know, how you found out you were pregnant! Loads of women worry about not having the perfect story to tell their children when they grow up - but in the real world those stories are few and far between and also no where near as entertaining as the real version!

Here is my story:

It was a cold winter's evening in December 2008 - right in the middle of the Christmas Party season (the only reason I put up with winter!) A friend of mine who is a hairdresser was round putting foils in my hair and whilst my 'hubby to be' was getting his haircut I nipped upstairs to do the inevitable 'pee on a stick' test. Now let's be clear - I wasn't taking the test because we had been actively trying or for that matter, because I thought I would actually be pregnant! No - I had, had a stressful couple of months with work and moving house and my period was 2 weeks late (not something I thought worryingly about) - I was doing the test to bring on my period. Anyway within a matter of minutes I go from seeing one line come up and feeling a little bit silly about the whole thing and contemplating a Vodka, Lime and Soda - to seeing the line double and declare in bright red lines - I was indeed pregnant! OMG!

Trying to act natural (totally weird I know!) I went downstairs and promptly burst in to tears - my partner was full of sympathy and cuddles and assuring me my hair looked beautiful - oh boy was he in for a surprise when he realised there would be no vodka drunk that night and I was totally fine with my hair too!

So there you go! We laugh about it now, and I am actually sure my daughter is going to love that story when she gets older and starts asking questions! So share your story - make other women feel better about not being the perfectly timed incubator!!


  1. Wow..... I think I have a good story for my 2nd child. With both of my children, I had fertility problems. For my oldest, I took drugs to get pregnant with him. For my youngest, we decided to wait on God's timing. We started trying when my son was about 2 years old. Time passed and nothing happened. My periods were very irregular at this point in my life, so was difficult to tell when I was ovulating. So, about 2 years or so after we had started trying, I just gave up and decided that our son would be an only child and we were getting used to that. A couple of weeks went by and I had symptoms that my period was coming, but it was going to be a "bad" one. Then it was "late". I waited until the weekend and woke up really feeling crampy and sick on a Sat morning. I asked my husband to get a pregnancy test because, "if I'm not pregnant, I';m taking drugs and going back to bed." This was already 1 PM. He came back, I peed on the little stick an it was BLUE within 10 sec, no waiting. I was pregnant! I started shaking and I called for Bill. He came into the bathroom and I couldn't talk, I just showed him the test, we looked at each other. He had tears in his eyes, and I started crying. He held me for a long time. And I said, "Damn, I guess that means no drugs." He laughed and I went back to bed.

  2. When we had been married about a year, we decided that we wanted to try to have a child. A few days later, we decided that we were insane and immediately returned to using birth control.

    A few weeks later we were returning from a hike in the mountains and my turtle neck was bothering me so much that I stripped out of it in the truck on the highway. My husband looked over smiling and said, "Yup, you're pregnant." And I was.

    Our second little girl was conceived six years later while I was on birth control.

  3. I was 37, had been in infertility workups for a while, was teaching, and had gotten the annual beginning-of-the-year bug that was going around. I couldn't shake it, so I went to the local (Navy) clinic to see if they could give me anything for it. After getting dressed and meeting the doctor in his office, he told me which antibiotic I could try if I wanted to. Then he looked down at his desktop, and without meeting my eyes, told me I was pregnant...clearly unsure as to whether someone of my advanced age would welcome that news. I hurried out into the waiting room, and happily told my husband!!!!

  4. after trying almost 1,5 years, and 1 misscarry in that period, I was slowly letting it all go. it was the first month that I thought: "yeah, well, if it's nothing this month, so be it.." it was also the month that I would have had that 1st baby, so emotionally I wasnt going that well. on friday we had a drink with collegues, and I DID have a few... or more ;) that tuesday, I just said to myself: "bleh, why not... let's do a test..." I wasnt even late! so I got the test, hid myself in the bathroom, did what I had to do... waited... 1minute-2minutes-2,5minutes.."ehm... is that a fine line? is it? could it be? nah, it isnt! it cant be!" I slowly went downstairs to get the camera, took a picture and while my partner wasnt looking, I downloaded it to my computer, enlarged, and watched... "nah...could it be?"
    well, than began a 2day freak-out with tests in the morning and evening... and yes, the line darkened, little by little... and only after 2 days I told my partner, by showing him "a picture" I got from someone... ofcourse he knew straight away what it meant ;) I was pulling my hair ofcourse, because had let myself go with that drink that friday, but all was well!! thank god!!

  5. I was in denial for two months. Lol! I didn't get my period twice in a row but for some reason didn't want to believe we had actually gotten pregnant, so I put off taking a test. Finally my husband asked me, "Shouldn't you have had your period by now?" So I bought a test and took two to be sure...both said positive, but by then I was 2/3 done with my first trimester. I didn't have tenderness, bleeding/spotting, cramping or nausea. I got lucky I guess...

  6. At 39 years of age I told my partner that if we were serious about having children, we should really start trying now. In theory, my age was going to work against me. I started the new year off by disposing of contraception, anticipating that conception would take a while. In February we went on an overseas ski holiday to Big White, BC (my first, my partner's umpteenth). I'd had to buy tampons on arrival as I knew my period was due. Amazing time. Being an energetic and very fit person, I loved the full days of skiing - first chairlift to last chairlift with half hour lunch between. What I couldn't understand was my lack of interest in apres ski activities. After a glass of wine and dinner, I was ready for bed by 9pm! I didn't think too much about not needing the tampons as long distance travel often affects my cycle. But after 10 days I started thinking about a work colleague who had been hit by exhaustion in her first trimester and then my mind started to go crazy. I'd wake at 2am and think "OMG, what if I'm pregnant?!" For the next 4 days I had skiing to do and that's what I focused on. I thought I'd follow it up when we got back to NZ. Back home, my partner went off to do post-holiday errands and I took our dog for a walk.... to the chemist. A quick check confirmed that I was indeed pregnant (7 weeks actually). Like you, I burst into tears. My partner was in shock and it took the next 3 days, while I was out of town for business, for him to get his head around the fact that this had happened so quickly. We now joke that 'all it took was one sniff!'

    Two and a half years later, we were once again lucky enough to have our second child... though it took at least 5 sniffs this time!

  7. I was craving green olives like they were going out of style. I normally love them, but if I have a small craving for them, I eat a salad so that I can throw some in there.

    Instead, I was getting the large jar of olives, a spoon, and going to town on them. I thought maybe I had a vitamin deficiency that was making me crave the salt, so I googled "craving olives". All the links that came up referred to pregnancy. I have PCOS, so I thought it was completely unrealistic that I would be pregnant without some help. I had a pregnancy test laying around at home just in case, and lo and behold, it was positive.

    My husband was at a basketball game at the time, so I had to wait two whole hours for him to get home! I was at least able to watch the Grammys in the meantime.

  8. I was told I could never have children by no less than 15 doctors. I had had plenty of relationships that caused me to believe that. In fact, I told my boyfriend then/husband now, that I hoped he was ok with that. About three months after we started living together, I woke up with sore breasts that felt like nothing I had ever felt before. Before I realized what I was saying, I said out loud, "I think I'm pregnant." And he replied, "I know, I had a dream you were last night." (I was 36). --No test necessary.

    My doctors, ultrasound techs, everyone said, "Oh, she's a miracle baby. This can never happen again. The day before my daughter's first birthday, I went with a friend to see the movie Juno, and had a dream last night that I had a positive test. The day of my daughter's birthday, I found out she was going to have a "miracle." sibling (sister).

  9. I've had three pregnancies & 3 miscarriages (so did my mom). However, everytime I got pregnant, because my periods were just soooo regular, if I was a couple days late, I knew. All mine were before the drug store pregnancy test kits, so I just waited another 2 or 3 weeks & went to the Dr. and every time - yep, I was pregnant!!!

    My funniest story was when I was planning to get married again at age 27 (& a single mom to my daughter from my 1st marriage) after his divorce papers were finalized (we had been dating on & off for 5 yrs. already!), & I thought we were being VERY careful, as the summer previously I'd had my IUD taken out because of problems with it, so I was depending of him.

    Well, we might have been careful most of the time, but somehow one time we weren't - much to mine & his surprise!!! So we ended up getting married quickly when I was about 7 wks. along, so it wasn't a drastic difference when our first son was born in about 7 1/2 mos. (however, my younger son later asked me about the discrepancy in the months when he happened to see our marriage license several years later!)

    After the first son was born, again I thought we were being VERY careful, & I got pregnant when my baby was 3 mos. old. I cried on the Dr.'s table, as I really wasn't ready for another baby so soon. Thank God that was one of my miscarriages. And my Dr. told me to wait at least a year before having another baby. Well, again I thought we were being VERY careful & I ended up pregnant again about 9 or 10 mos. later. (The joke about that one was we just told him that he was the 'Immaculate Conception' and he later said 'RIGHT, MOM'!!!) My sons were 24 mos. apart to the month & all I could handle.

    But, believe me when I say that WE WERE MORE THAN CAREFUL FROM THEN UNTIL I MENTIONED HAVING MY TUBES TIED, & MY HUSBAND JUST DECIDED TO HAVE A VASACTOMY INSTEAD, BUT THIS WAS ABOUT 8 YRS. AFTER THE YOUNGER SON WAS BORN. Even though I was young enough to have another baby for several years after the 2nd one, I never really had that deep wanting to have another one.

    They are grown and gone now but I wouldn't have given anything for my part in raising them (my husband played a critical part in raising him as well, which shows now a lot, as they are now 32 & 34 & will flip in a couple months. They are fine young men & we are very proud of them. (I have 3 grandchildren as well and one on the way - which I'm thrilled about!!!)

    I lost my daughter when she was 10 1/2 to a tragic accident. Being a mother, you never get over losing a child, but for the most part, I've learned to live with it at least most of the time.


  10. I was getting dressed to go out of town for the weekend (taking a 4.5 hour drive alone to get to a business conference). As I was dressing I saw myself sideways in the mirror and thought (agahst) WHOA - I am soooo bloated! I need a diet...I look pregnant. Then I thought "OH MY GOSH...NO WAY...AM I PREGNANT????" As my husband was already out of town that whole week for golf trip I figured I'd just go on my way and take a test when I got home if I still had that thought. But as I was starting to drive out of town I decided to stop at the pharmacy to pick up a test to take with me, that I could do at the hotel that night (no way I could wait the whole weekend without knowing!). I stopped to get gas and I was on my way out of town...or so I thought. At the gas station I decided in a panic that I could not drive the next 4.5 hours in the car alone not knowing without going completely crazy, so I went into the gas-station bathroom and took the about 7 seconds flat...BLUE! So I found out in a gas-station bathroom, hahhaa! Not the poetic fairy-tale I would have dreamed of, but it is something I still laugh about joyfully to this day. I am anxious to tell my now 5-year-old someday about the moment I found out so that we can laugh together. :)

  11. I have been on and off birth control pills since I was twelve due to years of periods where I would nearly bleed to death so somewhere in 2003, 2004, I decided to stop taking the pills because I felt horrible on them, bloated, moody, you name it, I felt it.

    My body decided to play a practical joke on me ... I had a period around the beginning of January 2005 and then another one around the middle to end of January, so when I didn't have one in February, I wasn't concerned. Then, about mid march, I started having serious issues staying awake ... I couldn't even stay awake to watch CSI and was doing what my mom has done for years; laid down on the couch to watch TV and passed out! Finally, something clicked that something wasn't right and then I realized that I hadn't had a period yet in March. I told my boyfriend and we got a test from one of the drug stores and about six the next morning, I went into the bathroom. The box said to give it two minutes and it only took three seconds for it to come back pregnant.

    After my son was born, I knew I needed some form of birth control and went on the patch to avoid taking a pill. I hoped it would work, but in 2006, I started to feel odd. I felt nauseous, but never enough to throw up and I just assumed I had a stomach bug. I went to the doctors and they drew some blood; they said they would mail me the results unless something came up. Two weeks later, I got the test results but it was all in medical jargon so I didn't really understand what I was seeing. Another month went by and a friend thought she was pregnant and bought too many pregnancy tests so I decided it wouldn't hurt to test the improbable ... I was pregnant, she was not.

    My son is four and a half, starts Kindergarten in September : sniffle : and my daughter is three. They are seventeen months apart.

  12. Well, we had been married for a little over 2 yrs and the entire time we weren't try or not trying to get pregnant. One day as my hubby and I were shopping for some last minute items before his 3.5 week trip we randomly agreed that when he returned we would start "trying" to get prego. That weekend I went home for a wedding and decided to chop off 10 inches of my hair. People flipped out at the wedding to say the least and then I was talking to my best-friend, who was also at the wedding about how there was this weird metal taste in my mouth, much like pennies. Also that it felt like "someone was moving furniture in my tummy". Both were WEIRD things to be saying as I was sipping my wine. She tried to convince me to take a pregnancy test at her house but I told her I didn't want to waste her money because I knew those tests were expensive. The following day I told my parents about our plan to start trying in a month or so and my mom burst into tears. I laughed at her response. That Wednesday I was getting ready for work and decided to take a test to also trigger my period to come and to my EXTREME surprise it was positive. I just remember sitting on the floor of my bathroom trying to gather my thoughts but realizing I'd probably be late to work I did the unthinkable and called my boss. I proceeded to tell her why I was going to be late to work and she was awesome and kept the information to herself and let me arrive a few minute late. I wanted more than anything in the world to call my hubby but his phone was lost and since it was only 5am I could call the others that were on the trip with him. So needless to say when I finally got a hold of my hubby and calmly asked him to guess what the news was, he thought it was that a friend back home was pregnant. LOL!! Nope babe we are I said. He screamed with joy.

  13. I was not expecting to become pregnant for many years. Me and my fiance were very much in love and getting ready for our first deployment away from each other. We were both enlisted in the unites states nab as Seabees. About a month before deployment i jus had this feelin like somethin wasn't right. So we went to the drug store and bought a pregnancy test. It came up negative so I assumed I was in the clear. So after that month passed we said our goodbyes in Kuwait and went to our separate stations in Afghanistan. For a hole month I went on doing very strenuous activities such as combat gear drills, range drills in full gear(which by the way weighs 50lbs), and rode in the back of trucks on very, very bumpy roads. They were so bad we were bouncing off of the truck bed! So anyways about a month later i started getting very sleepy and coudnt even stay awake for work much less to eat. I hadn't had my period since before I left but I jus assumed it was because of the stress and none of the other girls had theirs either. Eventually everyone of the girls strayed their monthly gift except me. I was worried but i was so busy I didn't even think about being pregnant!! Well it was about 2 months after my missed period that my friend Simmons came up to me and suggested I take a pregnancy test so i did. Pregnant popped up so fast o couldn't even put the stick down! I was in shock!! So i was shipped home within a few days and i since the communication over there is so bad i had to tell my fiance over email lol. Now i have a beautiful 8 month old baby girl!

  14. We weren't trying, but one morning, just after my period, we had unprotected sex (thinking it was so soon after my period that nothing could happen!).

    However, I have PCOS and irregular periods, so over the next few weeks I carried on, oblivious. We are both teachers (in different schools) and were doing end of primary school Sex Ed with our classes a few weeks later, when we both emphatically told them, "It only takes once"! What fools we felt a few weeks later when we realised we were living proof of that statement!!

    Towards the end of the summer term I had large, tender breasts (so took Evening Primrose Oil) and felt incredibly tired (but it was the end of the school year - always tiring!). My period was late, but that's normal for me! A week after the end of the summer term I went out shopping for the day with a friend and kept getting waves of nausea, which made me wonder.... When I got home I thought I'd just check with a test that we had in a drawer (from a previous time when my period was very very late!). I called my hubby and he came upstairs grumbling because he thought the urgency in my voice indicated that I'd found a spider! His face when I handed him the stick was a picture!

  15. OK, so I had actually been dating my boyfriend (now husband) for about 6 months and we hadn't been practicing safe sex because I had been told by my doctor that I could not become pregnant - I don't (to this day) get any periods. For about a month I had been getting increasingly ill and could not keep my food down. I had decided one evening after my boyfriend stood me up to go to the doctors to find out why I was constantly sick. The doctor laughed and suggested numerous tests but wanted to eliminate pregnancy first.

    After waiting a couple of minutes for the test to complete (even doctors do the pee on a stick test), the doctor pulled out the stick and said "it's positive", I said "I told you so" assuming he meant that I was positively NOT pregnant. He clarified that I was positively pregnant much to my shock.

    I went straight to my boyfriends house and as soon as he opened the door I blurted out "I'm pregnant". I think he was close to a corony!

    Long story short, we have been together for 6 years and married for 1 with a beautiful 3 year old terror.

    We're hoping to plan the next pregnancy!

  16. OH my gosh ladies - you are so inspiring! Every story I have just read has affected me in some way, some laughing, some tearful - you should all be so proud of yourselves - it is fantastic to hear REAL stories! This is exactly what I was looking for and BIG thank you for taking the time out to do this! You are all amazing women and mothers! x

  17. Well, we were trying for 3 years and had just had a laparoscopy the cycle before, plus that the next step would be ISCI....
    My period got late, even though i was still sore and wasn't sure when it would come, my breasts feel so apart of sure that i couldn't be pregnant there was this hope i had every month for the last 3 years:-)The home test was positive but as it was a supermarket test,i thought it was a crap test and bought the most accurate and expensive in the Pharmacy...still not believing!so i took one or two days to tell hubby..and not even the gyno immediately believed that it would be a successful pregnnacy! she thought it only could be an ectropic pregnancy because she could see nothing!
    Jan is now 6 years old :-)

    The second pregnancy was also hard to believe because we only needed 4 or 5 months. We were not in pressure but believed that it would take again sometime.I did again a few home pregnancy tests but believed it quicker:-)Liam is 4 now.


  18. Well, I have to say that my pregnancy was very much a planned affair - I was dipping sticks in pee at the drop of a hat! However, I was a bit keen that cycle and tested too early, and came up negative. It was only after drinking a bottle of wine (!) a week later, that I realised my error - and got a positive! No more wine after that hehe.

  19. My husband was away for the weekend for the weekend. I thought our refrigerator broke as every single thing I tried tasted spoiled, bad, off. I threw everything out. On the way home from his trip my husband called and I told him what happened. He said - your pregnant! I'm stopping for a pregnancy test. We hadn't been trying that long so I thought he was nuts! When he came home - the stick proved him right! He gets this 'immediate knowing' for ever!

  20. We had 3 kids already, and were using condoms, as the baby was barely one. We had a very rare date night one night, and we try never to come home without some "quality time" since it's rare enough. We parked way out in the middle of nowhere, only to find we had no condom with us. We thought "what are the odds?". Well, sure enough, the next month I was felling nauseous. I wasn't even late for my period yet, but on my way to pick the older 2 up at preK, I stopped at the drugstore. I ran quickly into the Prek bathroom before pick-up and peed on the stick. It was positive! I went home, and my SIL came over to tell us she was pregnant! She's very much the sort to get grumpy if she feels people are stealing her thunder, too. So I had to keep quite for a few months. We ended up sending out christmas cards and signing them ____________ and baby # 4 due________. It was fun. I think she was still a bit miffed though :(

  21. I always "Just Know" the very next morning and then a couple of days later I can feel my uterus start expanding and I start peeing a lot more, even getting up at night. I've been right every time, through 3 pregnancies and 2 miscarriages.

  22. I would have technically been only 3 weeks pregnant, but at that point you are just barely considered pregnant, and I knew. I just had a funny feeling that something was off about my body. For the first time ever I was standing in the shower and I felt like I was going to faint. I took a pregnancy test, which of course it was too early for a positive reading, but I still knew the answer. I waited 3 more weeks and took another test and it said instantly that I was pregnant. None of this waiting the 3 minutes for the stick to decide.

    This was definitely not a planned pregnancy, so I completely freaked out. It was about six in the morning and I walked right in to my bedroom and threw the stick at my then boyfriend, now husband, and said I am effing pregnant. Not a real nice wake up call I know, but I had just started my first career job out of college not one month prior, I still had a huge amount of student debt and I freaked.

    After about a week we both calmed down enough to know that though this was about 3 years earlier than we had planned, it was just a journey we were going to have to take and hope for the best. Smartest decision ever!

  23. it was a week just before valentines and was getting up for work, when i was lifting my head up my breast were hard and very sore i struggled to get up and i couldn't get i had to lie back down and try it again as the pain was excruciating and when i finally did manage to get up got ready for work , i got to work and i told a close friend she suggested that we go to the pharmacy and get a pregnancy test which i did took it 10min later it was positive and i was scared and happy at the same time from that day my whole life changed.

    I thought about my boyfriends reaction and the fact that i,d always told myself that i will never have a child out of wedlock there I was and little did i know that my baby would re-live my worse nightmare growing up without her father but i have no regrets, yes i have been through worst raising her by myself but she is a gift i will not exchange for anything she taught me how to love selflessly.

    i enjoy, love, charish and miss her when am gone even if its for a day.

  24. I was 4 months pregnant when I found out. I had been on birth control. Had periods in January and February. Conceived in December apparently. In Late February came down with Bronchitis and Upper respiratory Infection. Was tired, run down, and nauseous, thought it was from the medication and being sick. Went back to the Doctors early March and they said I had a Urinary tract Infection. Went back a week later because it was still bothering me. They referred me to an Urologist. They called me Friday afternoon but I got home after 5. So called Monday lunch time and they said you need to go to an OB/GYN not the Urologist. I was in total shock. Went over to my mums and cried my eyes out. Had only been Married a year and a half.

  25. It was in November of 2007 when i found out that i was pregnant with my first child. I was due for my period on the 11 of November. On that day i happened to get a phone call from my sister who lives in Las Vegas (i live in Massachusetts). She was telling me that she had been having weird dreams about someone having a baby but she could never see who it was in her dream. Then she told me that after the dreams she had gotten her period. After telling me that she began to ask me if i was had gotten my period or if i were late. Thats when i told her that I was due for it that day so if i were late i wasnt very late at all. Then she says to me "well i think your pregnant".

    So i waited a couple of days and still no period. I thought maybe i was just stressing myself out because of what she had said and maybe thats why i was late. By November 15th i still hadnt gotten my period i decided to go buy a pregnancy test. Sure enough when i took the test it came out positive! I couldnt believe my little sister had pretty much predicted the pregnancy! Now i have a beautiful 2 year old lil girl named Carley!!

  26. 1989 - I had infertility problems and we'd been trying for 8 years to get pregnant. A very eventful Feb weekend in 1989 ended with my hubby passing away. As you can imagine it was very sad time for me.

    A month had passed by and no signs of a period. Thinking the stress of my husband passing and sketchy periods my entire life, I thought nothing of it. I had an appointment with my fertility nurse anyway so I went in. She asked the question, do you think your pregnant. I said well, the weekend my hubby passed was my fertile time but it was a very busy weekend with my brothers wedding and only had "relations" once the entire fertile time, so no I didn't think I was, I thought it was just stress. She did a test anyway and sent me home.

    I went to my husbands sisters house to wait for the nurse to call me back (she had told me it would be 8 hours before they knew for sure). We planned our day and planned on being back at her house in the afternoon. Just as we were getting ready to leave the house, her phone rang. It was my nurse, only 2 hours had passed so I thought something was wrong. She told me she already knows and the test is positive... "positive" I asked, "yes" she said, I asked again, "positive, positive I'm pregnant or positive I'm not??" She started crying on the phone with me and said, "positive, you are pregnant". I screamed so loudly I think my whole city heard me. I was THRILLED! I was crying, my nurse was crying, my sister-in-law was crying, I was shaking so badly, didn't know who to call first!

    My dear sweet husband left me with such a gift! That sunday morning that he passed was the only time we had relations, I told him, "make it count" and he sure did! =) My daughter is now 20 and my very best friend!! I am remarried and very happy.

    I know my first husband is smiling down on us every day. It's sad my daughter never knew her dad but she have a photo album she has looked through regularly and we have stayed very close with his family, they have been a god send for me throughout her life.

    Sorry to have such a long story.

  27. So I was told that it would be hard to conceive without invetro. I had tried with an ex for about 8 years but a no go. We split up. I met Justin who had 4 kids of his own. Thier mom was not in the picture. We got engaged and started the adoption process with me and his children. Huge wedding planned to incorporate the adoption. I drop my dress off at the seamstress on July 4th, then hit the big annual BBQ. Got my drink in my hand and the door bell rings. I go answer the door and its a good friend. When I open the door he says "Whats up prego?" HUH? What is he talking about I just dropped off my dress to be altered.
    Sure enough I go home that night freaking out about drinking and take a test. Yep. Pregnant, Had to call the seamstress to stop the work on my dress and postponed the wedding.
    Moral = Time was not right with the first guy!

  28. I took a test, not because I thought I was pregnant, even though we had been trying for four years. It came up positive, but I didn't believe it, so I took another test, which also came up positive. I didn't believe that one either, so I took another test, which came up negative. The next day I took two tests, one of which came up positive and the other came up no certain. Then the next day I took one test that came up positive. I went to the doctor the next day and they did a blood test that confirmed that I was indeed pregnant.

  29. My husband and I tried inactively, basically just not taking precautions, to get pregnant for 9 months. My cycle was irregular after going off the Pill, I had 3 periods in that time, so I had no idea how I was going to conceive if I couldn't tack my ovulation. On the advice of a friend I decided to try acupuncture. The idea was to establish a regular cycle and then try to conceive, or at least that is what I told the Chinese doctor! Since I was tracking my basal temp, I saw the telltale dip in my temperature, so the hubby and made a valid attempt, I even lifted my butt up for 15 minutes holding it in, to help things along!
    At this point I had received six sessions of acupuncture and drank the nastiest tea imaginable for 2 weeks and the Chinese doctor assured me that I was not pregnant. So, I partied with my mom for her birthday like she was 21 again!
    All weekend though, I was very aware of my breasts and how sore they were. Thinking this was a sign of my period to come, I thought little of it. By Tuesday, it had not subsided, which was definitely not normal. My husband was out of town for work, so that night I took a test. Had he known that I had concern about being pregnant, he would have been very upset that I had been drinking a few days before. Surprisingly, there was a faint line, but I decided that it wasn't the right shade for pregnancy. The next morning, I took another test, this time digital, no mistaking "Pregnant"!
    That morning, I was bursting to tell everyone the news, but the husband had to be the first person I told, but he was in a crucial business meeting all morning until early afternoon. By the time I had him on the phone, he was half asleep and mentally exhausted. Lets just say his first reaction was a little less enthusiastic then I had expected. But he was a thrilled with the news!

  30. It was January of this year and I had just purchased my wedding dress for our Destination Wedding in October.

    I had my regular annual doctor's appointment on January 26th. As in all my regular appointments, I had to leave a urine sample before seeing the doctor. My doctor came in and had heard that I had gotten engaged since the last time I saw her and she congratulated me. She followed up by asking me if we planned on having any kids. I said, "Well, YES! Of course, but we're going get married first, then maybe wait about 6 months before we start trying." My doctor nodded and smiled. I said, "But whatever happens, happens!" My doctor responded, "Well, it's happening!" I looked at her all confused and said, "What are you talking about?" She said, "You're pregnant!" I said, "No I'm not!" She responded, "Yes, you are! You haven't had any symptoms?" It was so early on in my pregnancy that I wasn't even late in starting my period. I was so confused and I pulled out my iPhone which had an app where I recorded my daily temp, checked my cervix, kept track of our intimate nights, etc. I looked back on the calendar to the time I was fertile. My fiance and I used protection during the time I was fertile and I tried to argue this point with my doctor. I said, "SEE!! It's not possible!" I really couldn't believe any of it.

    My doctor put her hand on my shoulder and said, "I did the test twice." I burst into tears. Through my tears I said, "I just bought my wedding dress! We just put money down to secure a location for our wedding! We were going to send out Save the Dates this weekend!!" My Doctor sat down with me. She held my hands and she told me it was going to be ok. She gave me a tissue and after I blew my nose it was like a relief. My scared tears turned into happy tears. I said, "I'm going to be a mother!" Realizing what I had just said outloud, I repeated, this time with more enthusiasm, "OMG! I'm going to be a MOTHER!!!" I smiled. This is something I've wanted since I was younger. And just like my doctor stated earlier, it was happening. We started talking about next steps and blood tests and ultrasounds. Every word my doctor said was like she was singing a song to me. It was amazing and so special and so exciting. Then she handed me the book "What to Expect..." And I burst into tears again. I said, "I'm sorry, I'm just so happy!"

    I called my fiance the minute I walked out of the doctors office. When I told him the news, he said, "That's impossible! We are so careful!" I said, "I know, but this is our love child and was meant to be." He started crying. He said, "Aside from proposing to you, this is the best day of my life"

    We decided to postpone the wedding because my due date is a week before our intended wedding date. I'm now 7 weeks till my due date and I've had the most amazing pregnancy a woman could ask for. I feel so lucky!

  31. I was on vacation and feeling so very tired. I kept dismissing it as jetlag (but secretly hoping I was pregnant). Things were bothering me that didn't used to bother me. I asked our double decker bus driver in Dublin to stop the bus so that I could get off because I was experiencing such motion sickness. The day I knew in my heart for sure was when my mother ordered a bacon sandwich at the Edinburgh airport. I took one whiff and ran in search of a bathroom. I waited to tell my husband until we got back to L.A. and I took a pregnancy test. He had fallen asleep, but as soon as I saw those two little lines, I woke him up. He was so happy he said, "Am I dreaming?!"

  32. Well I realised I was pregnant with my second child whilst having a rather heated discussion with my husband, about nothing particular! I picked up the cd player and threw it across the kitchen at him and then during the following shocked silence exclaimed...honey I think I might be pregnant! I think his response was Oh shit! Needless to say inspite of having an otherwise wonderful 1st pregnancy, I did find myself to have quite an explosive temper, which obviously proved the same for my second pregnancy also! Bless my husband he just had to keep his head down and pray he survived till the birth!

  33. Hello there. well I can remember being ill for awhile and something just didnt feel right, then I missed my period that month, and got all excited hoping I was pregnant even though not planned, so I took a home pregnancy test and it came back negative BUT there was a faint line in the positive which didnt make sense. So the following week or two I took another one, a different one this time and it came back POSITIVE:) I was over the moon.No morning sickness as such just feeling nauscious all day for about a week and from then onwards was delighfully plain sailing:)

  34. I was always the one who was free to go out when ever I choose, the spontaneous one !

    My fiance and myself didn't have children, and didn't plan on it any time soon !

    We were BF for a year, and 3 years later became closer and got engaged :)

    We always had safe sex...well we tried to Lol

    I always tried to eat well, never was a smoker or drinker thank God, because 3 years into our relationship I found out... I WAS 5 MONTHS PREGNANT !

    I used (First Response Pregnancy Test) and the lines (plural) were showing up faint, so I waited 2 days.

    Maybe I'm not...Yeah right you are without a doubt Preggy !

    My cycle was never regulated, but some how I could tell when it was coming ! I didn't have any symptoms, morning sickness, nothing at all !

    My only complaint was being sleepy all the time...

    One particular month I thought...hmmm my period has been late before, but not this late !

    I just left a job after being burnt out, also needing a change after 10 plus yrs...Yeah you heard me right!

    I thought maybe the long night hours were catching up with me ?

    First I got nervous, scared, then excited, because I'm now at a better place in my life !

    My fiance was in shock for a couple of days...

    Then he was smiling from ear to ear...Thought I was going to say something else huh ha ha.

    The first ultra sound was amazing ! She lifted up her hand, looked like she was waving, as to say...I'm here hiii mom & dad

    My fiance is the best, plus we are in love with one another and our beautiful daughter !

    She actually has brought us closer together !

  35. I was a very young mother in the 1970s. Times then are not like it used to be by any stretch of the imagination. There are all kinds of tests now to find out quickly.
    Back then, forget pregnancy tests, you had to setup an appointment with the Dr., then wait 3 days for the blood work to come back. Oh, what a wait! The doctor would do a vaginal check but if you were not far enough along, they might not 'feel' anything to tell for sure. Oh, and one last thing...don't ever believe the old wife's tale, 'You can't get pregnant while nursing'. Yes, YES, you can!
    With both of my children, when I first became pregnant, I developed slight flu symtoms. Then I go into fatigue that seems to last forever. I have only had 'morning sickness' one time and am very thankful for that.
    Well, I had my first daughter in August 1974. I started breast feeding her and was not on birth control because I had tried it and would break out in hives. I would try another brand and would get sick..This was a time when birth control pills were new, too. I was having a very hard time finding one I could take.
    When my oldest daughter was 5mo old, I started with the flu like symptoms, then I was so fatigued. I would fall asleep in the chair feeding my daughter.
    I went to the Dr, he did all the tests for my symptoms, couldn't find anything. Then on a guess, since my symptoms were like my first pregnancy and I was not taking birth control pills, he did a pregnancy test.
    He pronounced me as possibly pregnant after the exam because he could feel vaginally. But the blood test came back negative! He then changed his thought to a possible tumor. He had one more test to do before ruling out pregancy all together, a 24hr urine sampling.
    In the 70s, this was quite an ordeal as you had a large glass bottle that had to stay in the refridgerator! Today, the container is plastic and can stay in the bathroom, so convenient and much easier!
    Well, needless to say since I have two beautiful daughters, born 14 mos. tumor was delivered in Oct of 1975.
    I always called her my little tumor while she was growing up!!

  36. I am probably one of the one few that have this type of story!

    I am a type 1 Diabetic so I had been working very closely with my Endocrinologist in order to get his ok to even try and get pregnant. After almost a year he finally gave us the ok in April. Shortly after (June I think) the local radio station KDWB was doing a contest called the Breeder's Cup. They took 3 couples who were trying to get pregnant and whoever ended up pregnant first won all the prizes. We ended up being one of those lucky 3 couples. Shortly after I had won a trip to the Daytona 500. My husband (at the time) and I decided to wait on getting pregnant so that we could attend the race (didn't want to take the chance of being PG come FEB when we would go to Daytona). Middle of July I had ear surgery and took a pregnancy test just before to make sure and it was negative. Towards the end of July KDWB called all 3 couples into the studio to see how we were doing and all the women had to pee on a stick. I remember being in the bathroom with one of the morning show host's Lee Valsvick. All three of us ladies did our duty and set the stick on the counter and we all 4 watched. I remember looking at one and seeing there was a pink extra line and I looked at the rest of the ladies and it was then I realized it was mine! So..we went back to the live studio and live on the air that morning in July it was announced that I was indeed pregnant by Dave Ryan!! We sometimes refer to my daughter as the Breeders Cup Baby! (who is now 14). So, thousands of people heard the news before I could tell my parents!

  37. I was going for an MRI and i wasnt told to take a pregnancy test and i decided to take one just for my own worries, i took a blood test the same day as the MRI and i took it at a military base clinic, well that day was a sports day where everything closes early and the clinic closed and never called to tell me my results so i had my hubby go down and make them send them over to my MRI place...The guy told my hubby that i wouldnt be having an MRI that day , we thought he meant because the clinic had closed for sports day and wouldnt be doing any so he just said oh no shes going off base...I went in to get my MRI and let it be known i had just had a pregnancy blood test 9 days before the one i had on the day of the MRI...So the technician comes out and shes like Bridget so you know you had a pregnancy test two weeks ago and i said yes and she said the test was neg and i was like i know, ok so lets go and then she said well remember you took one this morning and i was like yes and she said well it was POS...I called my hubby drove home and celebrated!!

  38. Well, for me, my 1st suspicion occurred with a smell. It would've been only a few days after conception, as it was WAY too early to get a positive reading. I was making my morning walk rounds w/ the dogs- I was a kennel worker at the time- and there's a small strip mall w/ a sports bar across the street from the animal clinic. Now, I make this trek every morning, and I never smelled anything(I have a poor sense of smell, normally). But this morning, was different. I smelled it all, and I wondered, briefly, "hmmmm, wonder if I'm pregnant... nah!" Anyway, about a week-and-a-half later, I was expecting my period and my periods were so regular(at the time) that the very day after I expected it and it didn't come, I took the test. It came up positive in less than a minute! I was in shock. I came out of the bathroom and told my husband- not in the best way, unfortunately, as I was still in shock, lol. I guess I should've waited O:)
    8 months later, our daughter was born:)
    2 years later, when we were ready to try again for another one, it happened in 1 try- as it had before, though, the 1st time was unplanned. My very first symptom was very early cramping, that came upon me in the middle of the night, resulting from an erotic dream. Man, something about my hormones makes my womb spasm horribly when I'm at my "peak", lol. But, I only have that kind-of cramping when I'm pregnant(I had it w/ my daughter, too). The 1st time it happened, it was minor, and only lasted for a minute or 2. I was only partially awake, so I passed back out almost as quickly as I had awoken. Again, like before, a week and a half later, when I was several days late(my periods were a little on the irregular side, this time around) and I had a SEVERE cramping episode. It was so bad, that I thought I might be having another miscarriage- I had had one a couple of years before our daughter was born. But, there was no bleeding, so I just had my husband administer acupressure- like the last time, after my doctor had substantiated that all was well and normal- and then when the cramping finally let up, I got dressed and went to the store and got a digital test. Got home, did my thing, and 2 minutes later, there was that lovely, verbal readout: PREGNANT ! I was in 7th Heaven!!! :) Again, 8 months later(I have a tendency to go early, obviously) our son was born. We are SO blessed!

  39. I had all the signs and no clue I was pregnant. It began when I started waking up in the middle of the night to pee. I thought nothing of it. My period was late but that was normal for me. Next I began getting increasingly tired throughout the day. I was practically falling asleep at work and would cry uncontrollably about how I've been waking up every night and it was making me so tired I couldn't function. At the same time my daily coffee fixes turned into juice and water because I "just didn't feel like having coffee" much anymore. I was never hungry, but always felt either full or empty- stomached. Meanwhile my husband, then boyfriend, apparently noticed a change of color in my nipples, and that when we went to the bar I would order a beer, drink one sip, and then state that I just wasn't as thirsty as I'd thought. He kept pointing out that I may need to take a test, but of course I insisted that I was not pregnant, and would know if I was.

    Now I'd been waiting my whole life to be a mom. I knew all the signs and watched for them! So why was I so oblivious when it was actually happening!? Maybe it was "pregnancy brain." Well, the day after my man's birthday I got up early before work to take a pee test and was absolutely speechless when it turned up positive. I went to work and immediately informed my boss that I had an emergency, would be making a doctor's appointment, and would be taking a short day.

    Once there, they took a sample and within minutes my doctor entered the room and said, "Congratulations! You're pregnant!" Nine months later (and a crazy birth story, if you write another book) our beautiful baby girl was born!

  40. The first time I discovered I was pregnant was fairly straightforward. We had been married for about 5 months and really wanted to start a family. After Christmas we went away for the weekend and I felt really out of sorts the whole time. I put it down to PMT but soon realised that my period was late. The minute we got home I bought a pregnancy test (actually I bought 2) and locked myself in the bathroom to await the result. Like most women I think I'd convinced myself it would be negative but I was over the moon when I saw that blue cross.

    Four and a half years later I took the test again. My symptoms were exactly the same but this time the result was negative. I was disappointed especially as I was feeling so rough and needed to know what was wrong with me. My husband wasn't convinced and asked me to try another test. It proved inconclusive so I went to my GP to get a definitive answer. I went in prepared with my sample of urine but first I had to have a blood test. I promptly fainted and in the confusion that ensued my GP forgot to test my wee. He said he was sure I had diabetes and that's the reason I'd been so ill. To combat my nausea he prescribed some pills that would stop me throwing up. I took one of those pills but something kept niggling at me and I asked my husband to get me one more pregnancy test kit... just to be on the safe side.

    Our son is 9 weeks old.

  41. We didn't have any plans to have children yet. My husband had been away for over 3 weeks guiding a group to the Aconcagua in Argentina, and came back two or three days before my birthday. "Your boobs are bigger", he said when he saw me, but I thought he was nuts. By then I was about a week late, but pregnancy didn't even cross my mind since I hadn't seen my husband in almost a month.

    On my birthday, we went for Indian food. I was really surprised not to be thrilled by the aroma of my favorite dish. We were having such a good time that I didn't say anything, so I ate, though quite reluctantly.

    We stopped afterwards by the supermarket to get some things for my party that night and then it hit me: I never lose my appetite. So we went back home, took a pregnancy test and there... 9 months after New Year's Eve, my first son was born.

  42. I found out I was pregnant via blood test. I had missed my period and completely didn't feel "right". My boobs hurt, I couldn't sleep on my stomach - which I always do - it just didn't feel comfortable. I took numerous home tests - and every single one said Not Pregnant. Finally, after several mishaps with my doctor's office and the lab, I was able to do the blood test Monday, December 8, 2008. Tuesday, December 9, 2008 around 3:30 pm I was confirmed pregnant! My wonderfully handsome son, Benjamin Alexander was born Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 1:35 am. I am absolutely in love with my now-13-month-old and would LOVE to be pregnant again.
