Monday 16 August 2010

Who Am I Now?

OK.... so this is probably one of the most difficult articles to write! How do you get all the feelings and emotions across to the reader in order for them to know and understand where you are coming from?

So you've done the pregnancy test and whether planned or not this baby is coming and there is no stopping it!
But who are you now? You make appointments with Doctors, you meet with Midwives and you talk about how your body is going to change, how many countless blood tests you will need etc... But who actually talks to you about changing as a person?

I want to address the issue that whilst becoming a 'Mother to be' is probably the best thing that has ever happened to you, everything you know as it stands is going to change slightly... your world is going to tip precariously upside down!

Who were YOU before you became a Mother?

Here is my story....

I worked as a Business Development Manager for a Creative Design and Marketing Company, I had been with my partner for over a year - we were living together in a house right in the centre of town and our world revolved around Wine Bars, Fine Dining and Parties! It was the life where you would finish work, make a quick change (the only thing you had to worry about was your make up was fresh and your shoes matched your bag!) evenings often went on until the early hours of the morning and then you were back up in the morning, skinny latte in hand and on the way to work again.

Office clothes revolved around pencils skirts, stilettos and crisp fitted shirts and my stomach had a flatness to it that I can only imagine now!

I was told when I was 16 the chances of me getting pregnant were slim to none so instead of being the victim I threw myself into what I knew I could strive at... and that was my career. My girlfriends were all in the same boat - plenty of time yet - career and vino first... babies later!

To go from being out and about every evening, to all of a sudden having to think about what I ate, drank and also what type of Mother I would make (does anyone else have those doubts!?) would flood through my mind on a daily basis. I was scared because everything I knew before was going to change - would it be for the better? Would I make as good a mother as my mother had to me? Would my partner still fancy me? Will I ever be able to fit into my pencil skirt again!? Will I still be the same person? So many questions!

The book I am writing now is addressing the emotional side of pregnancy and having babies/children - the fact that the person you knew you were before is going to have a new side, depth and dimension. You nights out are going to turn into nights in, your parties will probably stem around 1st birthdays! and your fine-dining turns into take-aways on the couch with hubby, while your little prince or princess in slumbering either in your belly or upstairs in a crib!

So ladies, I am asking this time for you to share your honest emotions, how did you feel? Pregnancy is the most exciting yet most scary time of your life! How was it for you? Were there questions your were dying to ask but felt you couldn't?

I would love to hear from you and I'm sure others would too - I hope I managed to get across the concept - the female mind is so complex!


  1. My husband and I were living the grand life in Quito, Ecuador. We were expatriates and enjoying travelling on weekends and fine wining and dining. We had gotten married ina small civil ceremony on June 6, 2008 and had planned to have a large church wedding on June 6, 2009. While we had decided we wanted children neither of us thought it would happen so quickly. On July 21, 2009, a little over a mnth following our second wedding, I took a home pregnancy test and it was positive! We made an appointment to see an ob-gyn on Wednesday and it was confirmed. I was approximately six weeks pregnant. I was overwhelmed with many different emotions all at once. I went from being elated, to panicked to extreme sadness and I can't for the life of me express the immense sadness I felt. The pregnancy wasn't unexpected, we were actively trying to get pregnant. I just didn't think it would happen on the first try. For crying out loud, I was thirty six years old, I thought for sure it would take us at least a year if not more.
    I started the pre natal vitamins and ate regularly and rested as often as I could but the feelings of sadness would not go away. Finally about two months later my husband planned a trip to Colombia where we spent 10 wonderful days. It was just what I needed. My spirits were lifted and on March 26, 2010 I was blessed to give birth to a beautiful baby boy, Daniel Aidan.

  2. That is an amazing story - thank you! I don't think anyone really takes into account the fact that you could be anything other than 'over the moon' and whilst you wouldn't change anything now and would give your life for your child it is still darn scary especially when you just find out! x
