Wednesday 13 October 2010

Reality Bites....'ve successfully completed a positive 'stick' test, you've had the all clear with the Doctor and come to the realisation that you are no longer just thinking for yourself but for another life too!

How do you comprehend the miracle that is happening inside your body? One minute you are out and about sipping a Sauvignon Blanc and the next the very sniff of wine sends you into very un-ladylike retching poses! What the??

I appreciate that as a pregnant woman you are told to expect cravings, mood swings, bloatedness, heartburn etc - but until that bump shows does anyone else really 'get it' besides you? And how do you deal with that emotionally?

I personally feel that maternity leave should start as soon as you find out you are pregnant and then you return to work at around the 4 months pregnant stage - is it just me or did anyone else struggle with the first trimester the most? It's so difficult to explain to your partner, friends and family (unless they have been there done that!) just how horrendous you can feel! This life has taken over your body and your razor sharp mind has now turned to mush! You want to sleep all hours of the day and the pencil skirts and stilettos just don't seem to do it anymore (please can I wear my pyjamas to work!?)

The first trimester for me, was especially difficult - I had only told a few very close friends and family of my pregnancy - yet somehow I expected the people that didn't know to telepathically pick up how I was feeling and treat me with care! I'd gone mad! My work mates weren't to know, yet the very smell of coffee would have me running for the bathroom and so I constantly sat there thinking how can I cover my nose subtly without offending everyone! I struggled with trying to comprehend how I was feeling as well as trying to live the life I had before, so as not raise any did YOU deal with this??

I felt, for me, that after the initial euphoria of the positive pregnancy test, my body did a massive slide into sluggishness, bloatedness, mad mood swings and constant nausea - I spent most of the 3 months thinking - 'how can I survive like this for the next 7 months?..... and if I can't handle this.........??'

How did your first trimester go? How did you deal with your body all of a sudden taking over your mind? Did you let everyone know? Did you find it hard to come to terms with your new found future? How did you cope with feeling extremely positive about the future to all of a sudden crying over an odd pair of socks? Or did you have an amazingly positive experience and have some tips you can share with other readers?

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